


At registration captains and crew receive a complimentary ticket to functions for which they are registered. Additional tickets for family and friends must be purchased at registration. You may also puchase function tickets for events you are not competing in at registration. For example: If you are competing in the Masters Series only but wish to attend the Open Series Welcome, Cut and Closing Ceremony Functions, tickets will be available at Masters registration.
Dates, times and prices are listed below.

Sunday May 29

Opening Ceremony &
Masters Welcome Party

Sit Down Dinner with Complimentary Drinks.

18:30 Outdoor Courtyard

Ticketed Event* ¥198 RMB
Approx AU$42 / US$30 / €27

Wednesday June 1

Welcome Party – Great Grand Masters, Grand Masters, Women and Youth.

Finger food with limited complimentary drinks.

18:30 Poolside

Ticketed Event* ¥50 RMB
Approx AU$11 / US$8 / €7

Thursday June 2


Dinner with limited complimentary Drinks.

18:30 Function Room

Ticketed Event* ¥198 RMB
Approx AU$42 / US$30 / €27

Saturday June 4

Welcome Party
Open Qualifiers

Finger food with limited complimentary drinks.

18:30 Poolside

Ticketed Event* ¥50 RMB
Approx AU$11 / US$8 / €7

Sunday June 5

Great Grand Masters, Grand Masters, Women & Youth

Dinner with limited complimentary drinks.

18:30 Function Room

Ticketed Event* ¥198 RMB
Approx AU$42 / US$30 / €27

Wednesday June 8

Cut & Welcome Party
Open Semi-Finals

Finger food with limited complimentary drinks.

18:30 Function Room

Ticketed Event* ¥50 RMB
Approx AU$11 / US$8 / €7

Saturday June 11

Cut Party
Open Finals

Finger food with limited complimentary drinks.

18:30 Function Room

Ticketed Event* ¥50 RMB
Approx AU$11 / US$8 / €7

Monday June 13

Closing Ceremony &
Awards Presentation

Sit down dinner with complimentary Drinks.

18:30 Outdoor Courtyard

Ticketed Event* ¥198 RMB
Approx AU$42 / US$30 / €27